Tuesday, December 16, 2008

More on the Curdle Crisis

More intrepid reporting has been carried out on the AIG of DOP (DOP is the official designation marking that Italian food comes from the region it says it does. Basically, it’s a food identity card) —Italian cheese. The UK’s Daily Telegraph was sure to capture all angles of the story, including the opinions of those left without a rescue package—buffalo mozzarella producers who have also suffered major drops in revenue and also want a helping hand (wielding a cheese knife). See http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/italy/3741990/Credit-crunch-Italy-bails-out-parmesan.html for more on this urgent matter.

(I really hope that The Daily Show/Colbert Report is all over this situation. And if they’re not, Trofie Wife is putting them on notice.)

Baci e gelato,

Martello e Trofie Wife


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